We received a handwritten letter from Matthew last week and some photos from a senior couple that are serving on the islands. It's good to see and hear from him. It's been several weeks.
The island of Tonowas where he serves has no electricity or Internet service so we only hear from him via letters or when he gets to the main island of Chuuk, once a month. Here's some excerpts from his letter:
Chuuk is a awesome as ever, and Tonowas is also the bomb diggity. This island is one of the bigger islands in the lagoon, and at one time was the capitol of Japan. There is a ton of things from WWII and Japan. Its awesome. Its not unusual to see caves dotting the mountain and big guns just hanging around. They also have bunkers in the ocean surrounding the entire island. The other day on a boat trip to Uman, we found a sunken ship that was only about 7 feet under the surface of the water on the highest peak. Super cool to see. It was like I got to go diving without the swimming part.
Tonowas is super duper pretty and has a lot to offer. The people here are awesome as ever and easy to love. Right now we live in the worst house in the mission. It was built in the early '90s and everything is trashed and falling apart. The house is 19 x 15 feet and is almost literally a trashcan with windows. But I love it, and we get to share it with 2 other elders.
However, the Church recognized the house was bad and since has built us a new one. Its smaller but is super nice and everything is brand new. We got a bunch of new solar panels and batteries so we should be powered pretty well.
I eat pancakes every morning, usually Ramen and tuna for lunch and rice and some canned food or seafood for dinner. I don't know about the other elders, but I'm digging it. We get fed a lot by the people like fruits, breadfruit, tipen, koi, fish, crustaceans, taro,
rice and some weird thing that come from the sea and land ~ octopus, sea cucumber, sea slugs and snails, shark, stingray, gigantic lizards, pretty much any thing and everything that you see anywhere.
Allright, well I'm gonna wrap this one up. I'm including some pictures taht kids drwe for you. I hope you enjoy. I love you all so much. It's been good to hear from everyone. Thank you for everything you do!
Love, Elder Zebley